Alex Carpenter

Alex is a web developer, writer, and marketer. He has degrees in English, Computer Science, and Mathematics and is always learning as much as he can. Alex operates a series of websites for both client and personal use.

Alex usually starts the day with shot of espresso or an Americano and then follows up with a Cafe Au Lait with lunch. He enjoys trying new coffee beans and finding new ways to prepare it, but most days prefers to keep things simple.

  • What Is Crema? Crema is the golden brown layer of foam that sits atop a well pulled espresso shot. Good crema is necessary for an ideal espresso shot for its visual appeal and contribution to the overall flavor and mouthfeel of the coffee. The presence of crema indicates a properly extracted espresso with the right…

    How To Get Better Crema On Espresso
    Closeup of an espresso shot with a good thick layer of crema.
  • Coffee syrup gift sets are the perfect gift for coffee lovers and anyone looking to enhance their daily brew, cocktail, or favorite dessert. These sets typically include a variety of fun flavored syrups that can be added to coffee drinks or drizzled over ice cream for a sweet treat. From classic flavors like hazelnut and…

    Coffee Syrup Gift Sets
    Coffee syrup gift sets
  • An affogato is a delightful Italian dessert where a scoop of ice cream or gelato is drowned in a steaming espresso shot, resulting in a delightful interplay of temperatures and flavors. Its name, affogato, is derived from the Italian word “affogare”, signifying the act of drowning, which aptly characterizes the dessert. Although the exact beginnings…

    Origins of Affogato
    Espresso being brewed over a scoop of ice cream
  • Coffee, often called joe, has become an integral part of daily life for many people. With its rich history and wide popularity, it’s no surprise that there are various slang terms used to describe this beloved beverage. From “cup of joe” to “brain juice” to “jet fuel” to “liquid energy,” these colorful phrases reflect the…

    A Cup Of Joe Meaning: Brewing Curiosity
    Cup of coffee net to an old grinder and coffee beans.
  • Espresso crema is the creamy foam atop a well extracted shot of espresso, which is crucial for enhancing flavor. It forms when hot water is pressured through finely ground coffee, mixing coffee bean oils with released carbon dioxide to create bubbles. Crema’s quality and appearance depend on bean type, roast, extraction time, and machine pressure. A fine…

    What is Coffee Crema?
    Closeup of a cup of black coffee in a clear cup with a lot of crema.
  • In a world of daily routines, there’s a brew that has been awakening our senses and fueling our passions for centuries. This mystical elixir, none other than coffee, has ignited revolutions, inspired art, and connected people in contemplation. As we embark on a journey through the history of coffee, let’s delve into the fascinating tale…

    History of Coffee: Mystery and Lore
    Coffee in cup glass on old books and clock vintage on aged wood floor.
  • What Is A Kapuziner? A Kapuziner is a coffee beverage originating in Vienna, Austria. Its roots trace back to the German term Kapuziner, associated with a coffee drink in 18th-century Austria. It was initially referred to as coffee with sugar, egg yolks, and cream in dictionaries dating from the 1800s. Eventually, around 1850, this beverage’s…

    Kapuziner: The Original Cappuccino
    A kapuziner with whipped cream in a clear glass.
  • What is a Cappuccino? Cappuccino is a beloved coffee beverage consisting of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It’s known for its rich aroma, created by brewing espresso from finely ground coffee beans. The espresso is combined with steamed milk for creaminess and sweetness and then topped with airy milk foam. The traditional ratio is 1:1:1 for…

    Origins Of Cappuccino
    Closeup of a cup of cappuccino with a heart pattern in the crema with a blurred cafe in the background.
  • The world of coffee is wide and varied, which is probably why so many of us are still confused about the sizes of a single and double shot of espresso. I got tired of guessing, so today I’ll explain what I found when I looked into how many ounces is a double shot. Every ounce…

    How Many Ounces Are in a Double Shot?
    how many ounces is a double shot?
  • Learning never stops in the coffee world and I’m happy you are here to dig deeper into this macchiato vs latte debate with me. Sometimes the differences between coffee drinks are black and white, but other times they are so subtle you will wonder whether it’s even worth it trying to understand the two. In…

    Macchiato vs Latte: What’s the Difference?
    macchiato vs latte
  • Key Highlights Understanding What A Macchiato Is Macchiato means stained, or marked, in Italian. Types of macchiatos vary based on what which liquid is being stained, and which liquids are doing the staining. When you stain espresso with milk you get an espresso macchiato, because the espresso was stained. When you stain a latte with…

    What is a Macchiato Coffee? Types & Variations Explained
    Macchiato Milk staining coffee