Brewing Guides

  • Cold Brew Coffee Cold brew is a delicious and easy coffee brewing method that involves steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for an extended period, usually 12-24 hours. The result is a smooth, rich, and slightly sweet coffee concentrate that can be served over ice or diluted with water or milk. Cold brew…

    Cold Brew Grind Size
  • Did you just spend considerable time trying to make espresso but ending up with awful shots that you just can’t drink? I am guessing you are wondering why your espresso is bitter, and feeling like you wasted time. Now you have to make a trip to the coffee shop to get your morning caffeine. Let…

    Why Is My Espresso Bitter?
  • Key Highlights Understanding What A Macchiato Is Macchiato means stained, or marked, in Italian. Types of macchiatos vary based on what which liquid is being stained, and which liquids are doing the staining. When you stain espresso with milk you get an espresso macchiato, because the espresso was stained. When you stain a latte with…

    What is a Macchiato Coffee? Types & Variations Explained
  • Learning never stops in the coffee world and I’m happy you are here to dig deeper into this macchiato vs latte debate with me. Sometimes the differences between coffee drinks are black and white, but other times they are so subtle you will wonder whether it’s even worth it trying to understand the two. In…

    Macchiato vs Latte: What’s the Difference?
  • The world of coffee is wide and varied, which is probably why so many of us are still confused about the sizes of a single and double shot of espresso. I got tired of guessing, so today I’ll explain what I found when I looked into how many ounces is a double shot. Every ounce…

    How Many Ounces Are in a Double Shot?
  • You’ve probably heard of or even drunk a latte, but if you thought there’s little to explore in the world of creamy flavorful coffee beverages, you’re wrong. Nothing will usher you into this exploration as well as diving into a breve vs latte discussion. The breve isn’t as familiar as the latte, but it’s old…

    Breve vs Latte: What’s the Difference?
  • Even if you’re a card-carrying member of the global coffee lovers club, let me ask you: What is a cappuccino? Do you really know? No matter where in the world you glance at a coffee menu, a hot, steamy cappuccino is always there. Essentially, this espresso-based beverage is well known for its thick milky foam…

    What Is a Cappuccino? Deep Diving into a Classic
  • If you drink coffee regularly you have surely heard of Americano coffee, but why is it called Americano? Let’s talk about what Americano coffee is, where it came from, and how it’s made. Although it’s a very simple and basic drink, you can make it in a few different ways to cater to your preferences.…

    What Is Americano Coffee and Why Is It Called That?
  • Have you been wanting to make espresso, but only have a Keurig machine? Is an espresso machine out of your budget? You’re in luck! Today I’m going to teach you how to make espresso with a Keurig machine. With this easy method, you not only can have espresso shots but you open up a whole…

    How to Make Espresso with a Keurig (Top Tips!)
  • For a great pour over brew, a few crucial elements must come together just right — the beans, the grind, the water quality, the water temperature, the ratio of coffee to water, and the pouring technique. In this article, we’ll be focusing on you finer details of your pour over coffee water temp. Yep, water…

    The Right Pour Over Coffee Water Temp — Why It Matters
  • If the smell of your perfect cup of drip coffee is one of the highlights of your morning, that cup of coffee should taste amazing. If your cup of drip coffee is anything less than the best, we have a problem. Drip coffee may not be as fancy as other brew methods, but you need…

    How Much Coffee Per Drip Cup? The Right Ratio
  • If you know how to use a drip coffee maker, you can brew delicious coffee at home that’s as good or even better than what you’ll get in a cafe — and you don’t have to stand in line for it. In this article, I’ll talk about everything you will ever want to know about…

    How to Use a Drip Coffee Maker (Step-by-Step Guide)
  • Craving for a cappuccino? You don’t have to go out on a coffee run.  I’m going to show you how to make a cappuccino with an espresso machine at home. Anyone can do it. It doesn’t even matter if you have never brewed coffee before. Forget about the guides you may have come across that…

    How to Make a Cappuccino with an Espresso Machine
  • Cold brew concentrate may just be the best thing you haven’t explored yet. It’s underrated by many, yet its versatility is unmatched. I would say once you learn how to use cold brew concentrate, you will never go back. Imagine an ingredient that could make your breakfast more fun and refreshing, turn your lunch hour…

    How to Use Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate (8 Ways)
  • Nitro cold brew coffee amassed a cult following quickly after its recent discovery, and justifiably so. It’s a relatively new beverage, and in an effort not to be left behind I have learned how to make nitro cold brew like the pros too. I imagine that’s what brought you here as well; you want to…

    How to Make Nitro Cold Brew at Home
  • If you enjoy cold brew and the way it opens you up to new nuances and dimensions in coffee beans that you’ve tried before, here’s an easy way to make it yourself with utensils you already have in your kitchen. Promise, it hardly takes any effort to learn how to make cold brew coffee in…

    How to Make Cold Brew Coffee in a Mason Jar
  • So you’ve made your batch of cold brew, but how long can you draw out your enjoyment of it? It’s all well and good making larger batches to last the week, but that’s no help if you don’t know how long you can safely drink it. As with all food and drink, it’s important that…

    How Long Does Cold Brew Last?
  • I know what it’s like to go into a coffee shop and stand there trying to figure out what type of coffee you should get this time around. Whenever I’m looking for a refreshing, cool drink, I always have this internal debate: Should I get a cold brew or an iced coffee, or are they…

    Cold Brew vs Iced Coffee: What’s the Difference?
  • If you have never worked an espresso machine, I bet that you will be a bit surprised by all of the features that it can come with – from the bean hopper to the portafilter, grinder, steamer, and so on. Once you brew the espresso using the machine, you can turn it into a latte…

    How to Froth Milk with an Espresso Machine Steam Wand
  • So many things have been said about a latte, but what it’s most famous for is its sweetness and versatility. You have probably ordered it more times than you can count, and if you think the drink is too sophisticated to make, you’re wrong. Today, I’ll show you how to make a latte with an…

    How to Make a Latte with an Espresso Machine
  • Have you ever been to Italy or just an Italian restaurant and thought to yourself, “Gee, I wonder if I am drinking my espresso the right way?” If you are wondering how to drink espresso like a true Italian, I am here to help you out! You see, the first time I went to Italy,…

    How to Drink Espresso: The Proper Italian Way
  • You deserve a great cuppa joe to start your day, and if you thought only barista-brewed coffee can jolt the heart, you’re wrong. Making a great cup of coffee from home is now easier than ever, but not many people know that, so today, I will show you how to use a Bodum French press…

    How to Use a Bodum French Press: A Step by Step Guide
    how to use bodum french press
  • Summertime or not, iced coffee is a refreshing drink you can never go wrong with. Smooth, rich, refreshing… I could go on and on. And no, you don’t have to be a barista to make one; your current skills are enough. To make it even better, today I’ll show you how to make iced coffee…

    How to Make Iced Coffee with a French Press: 2 Easy Methods
  • While many coffee lovers may argue that coffee beans taste perfect just infused naturally with water, others will tell you that you can make coffee taste even better. There are many ways to improve your coffee, and I’m going to show you how. Coffee is a delicious and versatile beverage that you can make in…

    How to Make Coffee Taste Good: Tips and Tricks
  • Some coffee purists are all about a clean cup of coffee devoid of unnecessary milk, sugars, froth, foam, whipped cream, and a whole host of other add-ons. Certain people may tell you that coffee should be enjoyed just like it is. Learning how to make black coffee the right way may convert you to this…

    How to Make Black Coffee: Mastering the Basics
  • The magic of coffee — especially when homebrewing your cup of Joe — is that you get to control several factors of your drink. Since coffee is known to be acidic, if this element bothers you, you can easily learn how to make coffee less acidic. Whether you would like to improve your brewing process…

    How to Make Coffee Less Acidic Using Simple Methods
  • Many coffee drinks (and their quirky-sounding names) come from Italy. But the cortado is a Spanish drink. And like most coffee variants that hail from Spain, the cortado has little to no foam and is rarely served with coffee art on top. But do you know how to make a cortado? The secrets are warm…

    What Is a Cortado? How to Make this Espresso-Based Drink
  • Nothing beats a well-brewed cup of coffee. I even doubt that most of us would triumph over the demands of work-life if it wasn’t for that good, strong cuppa in the morning. Unfortunately, though, if you don’t know how to measure coffee correctly, you will end up with a flat-tasting beverage at best. Your entire…

    How to Measure Coffee — Brewing Ratios for the Perfect Cup
  • Have you been craving coffee, but the summer days are just too hot for a warm cup of Joe? Well, you can simply learn how to make iced Americano at home, and your problem is solved. It will give you the rich flavors of espresso and the volume of a full cup of coffee without…

    How to Make Iced Americano at Home: Easy Directions
  • Brewing coffee at home comes with certain challenges at times, and a common problem many people face is running out of filters to brew your coffee with. Luckily, there are a few tricks you can try to help you learn how to make coffee without a filter. Whether you’re using a makeshift coffee filter from…

    How to Make Coffee without a Filter: Super Easy Hacks
  • Coffee made from a regular drip coffee maker usually gets a bad rap. People see it as a fairly average coffee without much flavor. However, with a bit of finesse and some helpful tips, you can learn how to make drip coffee bursting with bold, rich flavor with this affordable brew method. You may not…

    How to Make Drip Coffee: The Perfectly Brewed Cup
  • When someone asks for strong coffee, they may mean one of two things: increased flavor or higher caffeine content. Whichever bold coffee you’re interested in, I will teach you how to make strong coffee with both these components. To brewing a strong coffee, you simply make a few key derivations to your regular brew method…

    How to Make Strong Coffee — Tips and Brew Methods
  • Whether you have accidentally bought whole coffee beans, you’ve been gifted raw coffee beans, or you simply want to expand your coffee-making repertoire, it is always good to know how to make coffee from beans. These beautiful beans are extremely versatile, and apart from the growing process that takes several years to complete, the rest…

    How to Make Coffee with Coffee Beans at Home: Expert Tips
  • Ah, the beloved espresso: a strong kick of high-quality caffeine made by shooting high-pressured water through delicious coffee grinds. Why not satisfy this craving by learning how to make espresso with a French press at home? Espresso machines can be quite pricey to purchase and maintain, and even a budget-friendly espresso machine could be unnecessary…

    How to Make Espresso with a French Press
    How to make espresso with a french press the method
  • Coffee: the ultimate morning get-up drink, the after-dinner conversational drink, or even the midday “I-just-feel-like-caffeine” drink. The best part about this versatile drink is the multiple ways to brew it. Let’s learn how to make coffee on the stove. Stovetop coffee is great because it doesn’t require a fancy coffee maker, but it’s beneficial for…

    How to Make Coffee on the Stove in a Pot
  • The best thing about coffee is the various techniques used to make a steamy cup of Joe. You can find your favorite and stick with it or explore the various and delicious brewing methods. If you want to save on power, you can even learn how to use a stovetop percolator. This method of brewing…

    How to Use a Percolator: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • A surprising fact to some new coffee lovers is that you can easily learn how to make espresso or espresso-style coffee even if you don’t have a fancy espresso machine. There are a few different ways to enjoy a strong cup of this brew without the expense. If you don’t have an espresso maker, there…

    How to Make Espresso at Home: 3 Simple Brew Methods