Have you ever wondered what the “100% Arabica” claims actually mean? It’s all coffee, so why dwell into the details of its species? Isn’t it all the same? Well, no. If you’re a coffee enthusiast, you know the debate of Arabica vs Robusta beans is a popular one.

While there are about 100 different species of coffee beans, Arabica and Robusta beans remain the most sought-after.

While some claim the fruity and sweet notes of Arabica as superior, others say the boldness of Robusta remains unmatched. Now, what does all of this mean? 

Fret not! I’m here to help. Let’s walk through the world of coffee beans and figure out which one you might like better.

After all, who likes being stuck with a bag of coffee beans they don’t like?

Main Differences Between Arabica vs Robusta Beans

The main differences between Arabica vs Robusta beans are:

  • Arabica beans have higher acidity and are, therefore, sweeter in taste with tasting notes of chocolates and fruits, whereas Robusta beans have lower acidity and have a bitter taste.
  • Arabica beans have a lower caffeine component, whereas Robusta beans contain 25% more caffeine.
  • Arabica beans tend to be more oval with a pronounced center crease, whereas Robusta beans are smaller, more rounded, and paler.
  • Arabica beans are generally more expensive, whereas Robusta is cheaper.

For Arabica beans, I recommend that you try Lavazza Espresso Barista Perfetto. If you want to go for Robusta beans, I would highly suggest Strong AF Coffee – Whole Bean Coffee.

Arabica and Robusta Beans Products Compared

There will always be people who like one or the other type of coffee bean. Here are some of the best options you can choose from for both types of beans:

Arabica Beans

1. Lavazza Espresso Barista Perfetto

Lavazza Espresso Whole Bean for Automobili Lamborghini, Dark Roast, Arabica and Robusta Blend, 2.2 lb Bag (Package May Vary)

Lavazza Espresso Barista Perfetto

Key Features:

  • 100% Arabica
  • Medium roast
  • Caffeinated
  • Roasted in Italy
  • Non-GMO

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If you like espresso, you’d love this one made with Arabica beans. It’s an exquisite combination of medium roasted flavors with the hints of chocolate and sweetness that Arabica is notorious for.

These coffee beans make a good crema, taste smooth, and don’t break the bank. Also, these help you get a consistently good espresso shot each time.

However, since it’s a medium roast, the flavors aren’t too rich.

  • Smooth taste
  • Consistent
  • Great flavor notes
  • Has to be grinded

If you’re prepared to invest in a grinder, you might like these whole beans to make consistently good espresso. The taste is smooth without being too overwhelming. However, it might not be a great beginners’ choice.

Overall Rating: 4.6/5

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2. Eight O’Clock Coffee 100% Colombian Peaks

Eight O'Clock Coffee 100% Colombian Peaks, Medium Roast, Whole Bean Coffee, 40 Oz

Eight O’Clock Coffee 100% Colombian Peaks

Key Features:

  • Pre-ground
  • Caffeinated
  • Medium roast
  • Kosher certified
  • 100% Arabica

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If you’re yet to figure out the perfect grinding and brewing techniques, you might want to try this Eight O’Clock Colombian ground. It has a beautiful aroma and a smooth finish. Since it works well with most brewing methods, it’s a total win-win.

For the price, this makes pretty decent coffee. It tastes great enough for a daily drink.

The medium roast might taste too light for some people, so I’d suggest going for a darker roast if you like strong coffee.

  • Affordable
  • Great taste
  • Comes pre-ground
  • Not very strong

If you want 100% Arabica without it being too overwhelming, this might be a great option for a routine drink.

Overall Rating: 4.6/5

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3. Subtle Earth Organic Coffee – Medium-Dark Roast – Whole Bean

2LB Subtle Earth Organic Coffee - Medium-Dark Roast - Whole Bean Coffee - 100% Arabica Beans - Low Acidity and Non-GMO - 2lb bag

Subtle Earth Organic Coffee – Medium-Dark Roast – Whole Bean

Key Features:

  • Whole beans
  • Caffeinated
  • 100% Arabica
  • Allergen-free
  • Certified organic

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There are coffee drinkers who are big on the whole ‘organic coffee’ jargon. If you happen to be one, these Subtle Earth coffee beans are right up your alley.

Organic coffee is considered better for the stomach since it tends to be less acidity-inducing. This coffee gives you that benefit, plus a great taste with hints of chocolate and fruity-ness.

However, since it’s organic, there is little consistency with the product.

  • Healthier
  • Delicious
  • Great for all kinds of brew
  • Inconsistent

If you want to try organic Arabica coffee, this is a great option for starters.

Overall Rating: 4.6/5

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Robusta Beans

1. Strong AF Coffee – Whole Bean Coffeeir?t=caffestreets 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B076VVB5ZW

Very Strong Coffee 500g - Whole Beans - 100% ROBUSTA COFFEE - TWICE THE CAFFEINE - TWICE THE TASTE.

Strong AF Coffee – Whole Bean Coffee

Key Features:

  • Whole Beans
  • Caffeinated
  • Medium roast
  • High caffeine strength
  • Sourced from Vietnam

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Vietnamese coffee is known for its strength. As the name suggests, these Strong AF coffee beans, sourced from Vietnam, promise exactly that. It’s perfect for a no-frills, good-tasting strong coffee.

Right from when you begin grinding the beans, you realize this coffee is extraordinary in terms of aroma and richness. Lo and behold, it delivers exactly that! It is as strong as the name suggests and will definitely wake you up before you know it.

It does suffer a tad bit on the flavor though as it gives off a flavor somewhat similar to darker roasts.

  • Smooth
  • Very strong
  • Great morning coffee
  • May lack flavor

If your usual coffee fails to wake you up each morning, it’s time to put the Strong AF coffee to test.

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

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2. Dalat Highlands Robusta Whole Bean Coffee

Dalat Highlands Peaberry Robusta Whole Bean Coffee, 1lb

Dalat Highlands Robusta Whole Bean Coffee

Key Features:

  • Robusta beans
  • Sourced from Brazil
  • Caffeinated
  • Espresso flavor

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Robusta coffee doesn’t necessarily have to taste sour and bitter. After all, all those things are what it’s notorious for. It can taste smooth and well-rounded too! And these Dalat beans offer just that.

Robusta coffee isn’t for everyone but it can be. These Dalat Robusta beans taste smooth and non-bitter. They’re definitely stronger than other blends, which is great for those who like a strong cuppa.

However, it might be too overwhelming for some people who like their coffee black.

  • Smooth taste
  • Higher caffeine content
  • Fresh
  • Expensive

If you’re trying Robusta for the first time and want something milder to start with, this is the one you should go for!

Overall Rating: 4.3/5

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3. Truegrit Whole Peaberry Robusta Coffee Bean

Nguyen Coffee Supply - Truegrit Robusta: Medium Roast Premium Whole Coffee Beans, Vietnamese Single Origin, Direct Trade, Low Acid with High Caffeine Content, Roasted in Brooklyn [12 oz Bag]

Truegrit Whole Peaberry Robusta Coffee Bean

Key Features:

  • Peaberry Robusta beans
  • Medium roast
  • Caffeinated
  • Sourced from Vietnam

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Peaberry Robusta is considered the best of its kind and is loved by coffee lovers who enjoy their coffee black everywhere. These Nguyen Truegrit Robusta beans are claimed to be roasted fresh in Brooklyn each week to retain the freshness.

The coffee is smooth yet strong, great for a Peaberry Robusta. The caffeine content is high if that’s something you look for in your morning cup of joe.

However, it’s slightly underwhelming compared to stronger variants of Robusta beans.

  • Freshly roasted
  • Great for Vietnamese coffee
  • Good for cold brew
  • Lightly roasted

If you want to try a freshly roasted Robusta coffee without it being too bitter, this might be the one for you.

Overall Rating: 4.2/5

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How to Choose Between Robusta vs Arabica Beans

When it comes to choosing beans, here are some things you might want to consider.


It really depends on what you personally prefer, but when choosing the right coffee beans, its flavor profile matters a lot. Arabica beans are more acidic and hence sweeter with notes of fruits and chocolate. Robusta beans are less acidic and have a stronger, more bitter flavor.

Winner: It really depends on what you like but Arabica beans are generally considered superior in terms of flavor.

Caffeine Content

For a lot of people, the caffeine component of their coffee is a determining factor when choosing their beans. Arabica beans have a lower caffeine content while Robusta beans have a greater caffeine kick.

Winner: Robusta beans are better when it comes to waking you up.

Level of Roast

While both Arabica and Robusta can be roasted at different levels. Arabica beans tend to be more influenced by the roasting and have a more diverse range of flavors.

Winner: Again, it depends on what you prefer but Arabica beans have a more versatile flavor profile.


The price of beans can vary depending on the brand, organicness, and richness. But generally, Arabica beans tend to be more expensive compared to Robusta beans because of the high demand.

Winner: When it comes to affordability, Robusta beans take the cheaper cake.

Check out the rest of our picks for our best coffee beans roundup.


Which is healthier, Robusta or Arabica?

When it comes to being healthier, it actually depends on the roast. If you’re going for a light roast then Robusta beans have more antioxidants. However, if you like dark or medium roast, then the Arabica beans have shown to contain more antioxidants as compared to when dark or medium roasting Robusta.

Why does Arabica cost more than Robusta?

The Arabica trees are more difficult to grow than Robusta trees. They require constant care as they are more susceptible to pest attacks and diseases. Being more delicate, they are harder to cultivate, so the Arabica beans cost more.

As the name suggests, Robusta trees are robust. They are resilient and can withstand diseases, while also being less prone to pest attacks. Because of this they also yield more coffee beans, resulting in them costing much less than Arabica beans.

Which city is the coffee drinking capital of the world?

The city with the most coffee drinkers and coffee shops is none other than New York city!


When it comes down to it, you can’t simply choose a winner bean and declare it the best, since the criteria for ‘best coffee’ varies highly from person to person.

If you prefer sweet notes of fruit and chocolate with a versatile flavor profile, you might be part of the majority of people who like Arabica beans more.

However, if you are dauntless and need something strong to wake you up every morning and have a palate for black coffee, you might feel more at home with Robusta beans.

Ultimately, it comes down to what you like! If you can’t choose, you can always go with blends of Arabica and Robusta to find that blissful in between!

Happy brewing!